One of Centres of Excellence doing all types of Complex GI, Breast, Intestinal, Pancreatic, Gall Bladder, and Testicular procedures is the Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery at wellsun Medicity hospital. The Department’s surgical team is led by the best Laparoscopic doctors and is supported by skilled paramedics and operating room assistants. All of the patient’s needs are met before and after surgery by our team of Patient Care Executives.

The department conducts benign and malignant surgical procedures. Our surgical team places a priority on providing the patient with the greatest benefit possible in terms of curing the illness while also maintaining the physical functions of essential organs. The foundation of our surgical program is minimally invasive surgical methods that shorten hospital stays.

Our nursing staff, which upholds the standards of compassionate care, ensures that post-operative recovery is quicker. Following surgery, the rehab staff makes sure that you rapidly resume your routine activities.


Our doctors have Clinical expertise in:

  • Abdominal Trauma and other Emergencies
  • Hernia
  • Gallbladder Disease
  • GERD
  • Intestinal Lesions
  • Diabetic Foot
  • Rectal Prolapse
  • Piles & Other Ano-Rectal Disorder
  • Fistula in Ano & Fissure Diseases
  • Breast Disorders
  • Intestinal/Hepatic Cysts