Dental Anxiety Tips for Kids

  • 01/11/2023


1. Start early: It's important to introduce your child to the dentist at an early age to familiarize them with the environment and reduce anxiety.

2. Choose a kid-friendly dentist: Look for a dentist who specializes in working with children and has a kid-friendly office environment.

3. Explain the process: Talk to your child about what's going to happen during their dental visit. Explain the tools the dentist will use and how they will help keep their teeth healthy.

4. Avoid scary language: Try to avoid using words like "pain" or "hurt". Instead, use positive language to describe the experience in a non-threatening way.

5. Bring a comforting item: Allow your child to bring along a favorite toy, blanket, or stuffed animal to help them feel more comfortable and secure during their appointment.

6. Practice relaxation techniques: Practicing deep breathing or meditation techniques can help your child feel more calm and relaxed during their appointment.

7. Positive reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement such as praise and rewards to help your child feel more confident and proud of their efforts during their dental visit.

8. Keep up with regular check-ups: Regular dental visits can help your child become more comfortable with the process and reduce anxiety in the long-term.

Why are some children afraid of the dentist?

Some common reasons why children may be afraid of the dentist include previous negative experiences, fear of pain or discomfort, anxiety around unfamiliar people or environments, a lack of understanding or knowledge of  dental procedures, and hearing scary stories or myths from others. Additionally, some children may have a natural fear of medical settings or procedures, which can also contribute to their fear of the dentist. It is important for parents and dental professionals to work together to help children feel comfortable and at ease during dental appointments.

1. Start early: It is recommended that children start visiting the dentist as early as one year old. By starting early, children become familiar with the dental office and the dental team and are less likely to develop anxiety.

2. Talk to your child: Explain to your child what will happen during the dental visit and answer any questions they may have. This will help them feel more comfortable and less anxious.




3. Stay calm: Children often pick up on their parents' emotions, so try to remain calm and relaxed during the dental visit. This will help your child feel more at ease.

4. Use positive reinforcement: Praise and reward your child for their behavior during the dental visit to help them associate the dentist with positive experiences.

5. Consider sedation: In severe cases of dental anxiety, your dentist may recommend sedation to help your child relax and feel more comfortable during the visit  Remember, dental anxiety is common and it is important to acknowledge your child's fears and help them overcome them in a supportive and positive way. Positive reinforcement is a great way to encourage good oral hygiene habits in children and adults alike. Here are some tips on how to use positive reinforcement for oral care:

1. Praise good behavior: When someone brushes their teeth, flosses, or rinses their mouth, make sure to give them praise for their effort. Offer enthusiastic words of appreciation like "Great job!" or “Well done!”

2. Offer rewards: Rewards can be a powerful motivator, especially for children. Consider offering small treats or privileges to people who consistently follow good oral hygiene practices.

3. Use positive language: When talking about oral hygiene, use positive language that focuses on the benefits of maintaining good oral health, such as preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

4. Make it fun: Encourage people to make oral care a fun activity by playing music or giving them a fun toothbrush to use while brushing their teeth.

5. Lead by example: Show people that oral care is important by setting a good example yourself. Make sure to brush and floss regularly, and show enthusiasm for oral hygiene practices.